
Policy Guide

Good practice package for appliances in Brazil

Title Status Description
Policy roadmap and targets for very efficient appliances Implemented

National energy plan 2030, the Energy Efficiency Act

International co-operation Implemented

International organisations helped raise the profile of energy efficiency, substantial contributions from other countries

Energy agencies Implemented

National Electrical Agency

Energy saving obligations for energy companies Implemented

Utilities’ Refrigerator replacement programme

Energy efficiency funds Implemented

There are different financing schemes: Funding comes from the Public Benefits Funds, ELECTROBAS, the ANEEL Energy Efficiency Programme, PROESCO and other programmes to support energy efficiency

Government agencies and budget Implemented

There are two large energy efficiency programmes. The National Electric Conservation Programme PROCEL and CONPET, which aims at rationalising the use of oil products

Removal/reform of subsidies to end-user energy prices and on energy supply Not In Place Any More

Energy subsidies were removed gradually until the beginning of the 2000s

Regulation of energy companies Implemented

Regulatory supervision of the use of the Public Benefits Funds;

Minimum energy performance standards Implemented

Federal Law 10.295 MEPS

Mandatory comparative labelling scheme Implemented

Mandatory A-G labelling scheme, Energy Standard Information System (ESIS)

Voluntary endorsement labelling scheme Implemented

Voluntary labelling scheme PROCEL

Provision of targeted information Implemented

PROCEL provides relevant information on experiences and success

Financial incentives Implemented

Refrigerator replacement programme

Financing Not Implemented

Education and training for supply chain actors Implemented

PROCEL offers training courses, seminars and conferences

Energy efficient public procurement Implemented

Targets for the public sector

Research and development funding Implemented

The Ministry co-ordinates research and development projects


  • Tholen, Lena (Lead author)
  • Adisorn, Thomas (Author)
  • Andritzky, Paul (Author)
  • Thomas, Stefan (Reviewer)
  • Jannuzzi, Gilberto De Martino (Reviewer)


References and further reading

  • ABB (2011): Energy Efficiency Report. Brazil www.bigee.net/s/v3hg6k
  • American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE) (2010): BRIC’d Up Energy Efficiency: Energy and Climate Policies in Brazil, Russia, India, and China www.bigee.net/s/s6fkmt
  • Altomonte, Hugo; Conviello, Manilo; Lutz, Wolfgang F. (2003): Renewable energy and energy efficiency in Latin America and the Caribbean: constraints and prospects. Division of Natural Resources and Infrastructure.
  • Balbino Cardoso, Rafael; Augusto Horta Nogueira, Luiz; Haddad, Jamil (2010): Economic feasibility for acquisition of efficient refrigerators in Brazil 2009. In Applied Energy 87 pp.28-37 www.bigee.net/s/iypphz
  • Borges, Marco (2012): Brazilian Labeling Program (PBE). www.bigee.net/s/eddm59
  • Broc, Jean-Sébastian; Garcia Herreros, Santiago (2010): Case Study Brazil. In Measures focused on low income households – WEC-ADEME Case studies on Energy Efficiency Measures and Policies. www.bigee.net/s/jwa8hv
  • De Martino Januzzi, Gilberto (2007): Cost Benefit Analysis of a refrigerator Replacement Program for Low-Income Households in Brazil. US-Aid: 2007 www.bigee.net/s/4cff1r
  • de Melo, Conrado Augustus; de Martino Januzzi, Gilberto (2010): Energy efficiency standards for refrigerators in Brazil: A methodology for impact evaluation 2010: in Energy Policy 38 p.6545-6550 www.bigee.net/s/ek9ksc
  • Energy Standard Information System (ESIS): www.bigee.net/s/t5qg6a
  • Gadonneix, Pierre (2010): World Energy Council: Energy Efficiency: A Recipe for Success. www.bigee.net/s/kv9cre 
  • Geller, Howard (2000): Transforming end-use energy efficiency in Brazil. American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy. www.bigee.net/s/64p43u 
  • GIZ (2009): Energy Programme for Brazil. www.bigee.net/s/7vi3xa 
  • GIZ (2011): Introduction of a Comprehensive Refrigerator Recycling Programme in Brazil. www.bigee.net/s/f63y7b 
  • INMETRO : O Programa Brasileiro de Etiquetagem. www.bigee.net/s/irtcdb 
  • INMETRO a: Inmetro revisa eficiência energética de eletrodomésticos. www.bigee.net/s/ffss3a 
  • Lawaetz, Simone: Improving Electricity Service to a Slum in Sao Paulo www.bigee.net/s/fy9ynt 
  • Moss, Hamilton (2012): Public Procurement of Energy Efficiency Products in Brazil. Presentation: World Bank Workshop on PP of EEP Washington DC. www.bigee.net/s/j49juj 
  • Swiss Agency for Development and Co-operation (SDC): Recycling refrigerators to protect the climate. www.bigee.net/s/cr2i2n 
  • United Nations (2010): Energy Efficiency in Latin America and the Caribbean. Situation and Outlook. www.bigee.net/s/bkh53k 
  • Vendrusculo, Edson Adriano; de Castilho Queiroz, Guilherme; De Martino Jannuzzi, Gilberto; da Silva Junior, Herculano Xavier; Antenor Pomilio, José (2009): Life cycle cost analysis of energy efficiency design options for refrigerators in Brazil, pp. 273 f. Energy Efficiency. www.bigee.net/s/qgtbf5 
  • World Resources Institute (WRI): National Electrical Energy Conservation Program (PROCEL). www.bigee.net/s/i52rra

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