
Policy Guide

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Rebate scheme for energy-efficient appliances and other actions (EPR)

From 2000 – 2003 the Dutch energy rebate scheme “EnergiePremieRegeling” offered cash rebates for the purchase of higher energy-efficient appliances and other products. The rebate scheme was implemented in co-operation with energy companies and reached significant savings of at least 300 GWh/year. The programme was based on dynamic requirements and achieved a permanent transformation of the market by promoting A-labelled products


  • Tholen, Lena (Lead author)
  • Thomas, Stefan (Reviewer)

References and further reading

  • European Committee of Manufacturers of Domestic Equipment (CECED) (2005): Energy-Efficiency. A shortcut to Kyoto targets. The vision of European home appliances manufacturers www.bigee.net/ene/s/eyay3i
  • Energy research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN) (2000): Effectiviteit Energiepremies -Analyse voor het huishoudelijk verbruik tot 2010 www.bigee.net/s/15gj4c
  • Harmelink, Mirjam; Joosen, Suzanne; Block, Kornelis (2005): The theory-based policy evaluation method applied to the ex-pst evaluation of climate change policies in the built environment in the Netherlands. Proceedings of the eceee Summer Study 2005 www.bigee.net/s/f2yzft
  • GreenBiz.com: Did the Cash for Appliances Program Work? www.bigee.net/s/v8cw91
  • Institut für Energie- und Umweltforschung Heidelberg (Ifeu) (2005): Politikinstrumente zum Klimaschutz durch Effizienzsteigerung von Elektrogeräten und –anlagen in Privathaushalten, Büros und im Kleinverbrauch www.bigee.net/s/gb6ec7
  • Irrek, Wolfgang, Thomas, Stefan; Pagliano, Lorenzo; Ruggieri, Gianluca; Lopes, Carlos (2003): European best practices in energy efficiency programmes and in supporting policies aimed at increasing economic, social and environment benefits of energy efficiency on the demand side. Proceedings of the eceee Summer Study 2005 www.bigee.net/s/z2h4qk
  • Institute of Studies for the Integration of Systems (ISIS) (2011): MURE database: Fiscal incentives for energy savings in the household sector www.bigee.net/s/2y69va
  • Institute of Studies for the Integration of Systems (ISIS) (2011a): MURE database: BG 26 - Preferential credits for electrical energy savings in residential buildings www.bigee.net/s/vfcb89
  • Institute of Studies for the Integration of Systems (ISIS): MURE database: HU86 Replacement of Household Appliances Sub-programme of the Green Investment System www.bigee.net/s/axfsb4
  • Oikonomou, Vlasis; Patel, Martin (2004): An inventory of innovative policies and measures for energy efficiency. Phase I of White and Green project. Utrecht University.
  • Thomas, Stefan; Wissner, Matthias, Kristof, Kora, Irrek, Wolfgang (2002): Die vergessene Säule der Energiepolitik. Energieeffizienz im liberalisierten Strom- und Gasmarkt in Deutschland. Vorschläge des Wuppertal Instituts. Wuppertal Spezial 24.
  • Thomas, Stefan (2005): Aktivitäten der Energiewirtschaft zur Förderung der Energieeffizienz auf der Nachfrageseiten in liberalisierten Strom- und Gasmärkten europäischer Staaten: Kriteriengestützter Vergleich der politischen Rahmenbedingungen www.bigee.net/s/v8qs4j
  • Thomas, Stefan & Irrek, Wolfgang (2003): Energy Efficiency Programmes and Services in the Liberalised EU Energy Markets. Good Practice and Supporting Policy.
  • Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment, Energy & Arbeitsgemeinschaft für sparsame Energie- und Wasserverwendung im VKU (ASEW) (2003): Energieeffizienz im liberalisierten Strom- und Gasmarkt. Wie Energieunternehmen und andere Akteure Energieverbrauchern beim Energiesparen unterstützen können und wie die Politik dies fördern kann www.bigee.net/s/36nxcx 
Further information:
  • Dutch Ministry of Finance, Directorate General for Tax and Customs Policy and Legislation, Consumer Tax Legislation Directorate (1999): Energy credit implementation regulations, Draft, No. WV99/ M, The Hague 
  • Joosen, Suzanne, Harmeling, Mirjam, Blok, Kornelis (2004): Evaluatie van het Klimaatbeleid in de Gebouwde Omgeving 1995-2002 www.bigee.net/s/7h6spz
  • Van Holsteijn en Kemna (VHK) (2002): Evaluation EPR Costs and Benefits.
  • Van Holsteijn en Kemna (VHK) (2002): Evaluation EPR Costs and Benefits - Additional information to the tax office report and case study on costs and benefits of the EPR for washing machines. 


  • Location:

  • Type of policy:
    Financial incentives

  • Implementation period:
    2000 to 2003

  • Title in original language:

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